Common Factors That Affect Hair Health

Common Factors That Affect Hair Health

by Probe Progen 0 Comments

If you’re a medical expert or a professional in the cosmetics industry, you probably understand all too well how volatile hair can be. Hair is luscious and it can define somebody’s entire look, but it’s no secret that it can be distressed by a huge number of factors.

That may very well be why you’re on our site right now — hair analysis machines can examine hair at an extremely magnified level, allowing you to gain valuable insights on certain issues that are undetectable to the naked eye. Since hair health is influenced by so many factors, it’s good to be able to dig deep and let your clients know what’s going on. Here are some things that influence hair health, for better or for worse. By having a hair analyzer machine, you can find custom-tailored solutions to common problems.


Love it or hate it, genetics are a huge part of hair health — or lack thereof. While one’s lifestyle certainly has an impact on how lustrous their hair is, it’s no secret that some people just get lucky in the genetic lottery. This can be frustrating if you’re on the opposite end of the spectrum, but ultimately, it’s important to not get too frustrated over it. There are many things you can do to improve your hair health, but changing your genes isn’t one of them.

But, how do you know when it’s genetics and when it’s a problem caused by lifestyle choices? As a professional in the industry, you’ve probably had to answer this question countless times. This is where hair analysis machines can be helpful; they can examine the hair at a magnified level, which is often helpful in determining which exterior factors, if any, are causing issues. 

By learning the patient’s hair history and looking at it up close, you should be able to reasonably determine what the genetic “baseline” of their hair is. Even better, you can show your patient an easy-to-understand visual representation of this data with devices such as the ASNII 202.


It’s indisputably clear that stress can directly lead to hair loss, for more reasons than one. Stress hormones can influence hair follicles, putting them into a “resting phase” which makes their associated hair strands weak. It might not happen immediately, but eventually, hair starts coming out easier than usual. Stress can also indirectly cause hair loss, as many people tightly clench their hair or even pull at it as a coping mechanism. 

Aside from hair loss, many people associate stress with gray hairs. As far as scientific explanations go, the verdict is still out on this one — scientists haven’t agreed upon a concrete, direct link between stress and gray hairs. However, it’s widely acknowledged and accepted that gray hairs do, in fact, tend to grow more in prolonged periods of stress. Correlation isn’t always causation, but this phenomenon is common enough to where it shouldn’t be discarded as an old wive’s tale.

There are several things that can influence hair loss, so having a hair analyzer machine can be handy because it helps to determine what exactly is causing the hair to be weak. 


Regardless of genetics, diet can make or break your hair. Hair isn’t just some dead thing that grows out of the head with no rhyme or reason; just like everything else in the body, it’s made from something, and that’s usually determined by what we’re eating on a day-to-day basis.

The specifics of diet and hair health could cover an entire blog post on their own, so we won’t cover all the details here, but it suffices to say that there are a few important nutrients to keep track of, and your hair can be adversely affected if it’s getting too much or too little.

Iron comes to mind. This mineral influences ferritin levels in your body, which are instrumental in productive hair growth. Vitamin A, on the other hand, helps your scalp produce sebum, an oil that keeps skin and hair follicles moisturized. But proceed with caution — too much of a good thing can be a bad thing, and a Vitamin A overdose can actually lead to hair loss.

Once again, the importance of hair analysis machines cannot be understated here. Take sebum, for example. If sebum levels are too low (or too high), a machine like the API 202 will be able to tell. You may not know exactly why levels are off, but a clear diagnosis usually comes into focus when you get details from the patient about their lifestyle.


Some people might be cursed with brittle, weak, or thinning hair through factors such as diet and genetics, but there are also those who bring the problem on themselves with their cosmetic products.

It’s a delight to style hair, and everyone loves it when they find that new look that just feels right. Unfortunately, hair takes quite a beating from many commonplace products, such as straighteners, which fry hair strands to unhealthy levels. Bleaching can also be disastrous when done in excess, and even simple acts like brushing can pull on your scalp and weaken the hair.

While cosmetic damage is one of the easiest hair problems to diagnose, it still doesn’t hurt to have an analysis machine nearby. Most people know if they’ve fried their hair, but with extreme magnification, you can examine the severity of the damage, which informs treatment options.

Sun Exposure

To a certain degree, the human body has been naturally engineered to survive under our sun. But survive is the key word — we’re built to tolerate the sun, not to thrive under it. Indeed, even just a few hours under sunlight can fry our skin, and prolonged exposure with no protection can go from zero to life-threatening pretty quickly. The sun may be our friend, but it’s also our biggest foe.

With that being said, hair doesn’t get a free pass from our parent star’s excruciating rays. It’s pretty cool to get a natural bleach via sunlight, but that’s not really doing any favors for your hair. Excessive sun exposure can severely dry out your hair, cause photo-degradation, and form free radicals which weaken strands and follicles.

Of course, you know the drill by now — hair analysis machines can examine the scalp at a near-molecular level, allowing you to gain a much more comprehensive look at sun damage. The more specific a diagnosis is, the more effective treatments you can find, which is why scalp analysis machines are a boon to both patient and practice. 

Scalp and Hair Analysis Machines

Whether you run a medical practice or do cosmetology work, a hair and scalp analysis device can be a game-changer for your business. Because it allows you to get a better reading of skin and hair problems, it leads to treatment plans which are specifically tailored to your patient or client. This, naturally, leads to repeat business because people will come to trust in your authority. A good hair analysis machine benefits everyone, and you can get yours by ordering from Pro|Gen Probe today.

We have a variety of incredible models depending on your needs. Browse our selection today to find the machine that’s best for you, and be sure to contact us today if you have any questions about our products.